Brexit and the Failure of Leadership
Yet again, the mainstream media has hidden the main for Brexit. Brexit, or Britain/UK leaving the EU is at its core a massive failure of leadership. From American president Woodrow Wilson once said,
“The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.” If the leaders in the UK had been listening to the people for the last 30 years, perhaps their wouldn’t be a surge in the rise of neo-Nazi, and fascist groups. The mainstream media has been lashing out saying that those who voted to leave the EU are all just a bunch of racists and bigots. I won’t argue that some of the are indeed racists and bigots, but you know as well as I do that 52% of the population isn’t comprised of racists. That’s an overly simplistic thought, and like all overly simplistic thoughts, it’s wrong.
The heart of the Brexit issue can also be found in what’s going on across the pond here in the U.S. The popular movements supporting Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and Presumptive Republican candidate Donald Trump both point to a lack of leaders listening to the people. It’s much easier for the establishment to call Brexit, Sanders and Trump supporters stupid, bigoted or entitled, but the truth lays in the fact that all three of these groups are comprised of disenfranchised people who feel as if the system has turned their backs on them. Or as the brilliant comedian and philosopher George Carlin once said, “They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fuckin’ years ago.”
Great leaders make sure that everyone on their team is well taken care of. The unwritten contract between leaders and followers is that each will take care of the other. So what happens when we put our faith and trust in leaders that we have put into power and then they ignore our needs? A study done by Princeton and Northwestern universities concluded that “The U.S. government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country’s citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful.”
Working-class voters are waking up and realizing that their leaders don’t care about them beyond getting elected or re-elected, hence the dramatic rise in alternative groups. Brexit would never have happened had the elite thrown down more than just a few crumbs to their followers. Globalization has eviscerated the middle class. It didn’t have to be so, but corporate profits became the overarching goal, while the needs and future of the people were tossed into the garbage bin of history.
Now read the following story about Alexander the Great and ask yourself, “would ANY of our leaders today do for his followers what he did?
““Now, however, he marched out against Dareius, expecting to fight another battle; but when he heard that Dareius had been seized by Bessus, he sent his Thessalians home, after distributing among them a largess of two thousand talents over and above their pay. In consequence of the pursuit of Dareius, which was long and arduous (for in eleven days he rode thirty-three hundred furlongs (644km), most of his horsemen gave out, and chiefly for lack of water. At this point some Macedonians met him who were carrying water from the river in skins upon their mules. And when they beheld Alexander, it being now midday, in a wretched plight from thirst, they quickly filled a helmet and brought it to him. To his enquiry for whom they were carrying the water, they replied: ‘For our own sons; but if thou livest, we can get other sons, even if we lose these.’ On hearing this he took the helmet into his hands, but when he looked around and saw the horsemen about him all stretching out their heads and gazing at the water, he handed it back without drinking any, but with praises for the men who had brought it; ‘For,’ said he, ‘if I should drink of it alone, these horsemen of mine will be out of heart.’ But when they beheld his self-control and loftiness of spirit, they shouted out to him to lead them forward boldly, and began to goad their horses on, declaring that they would not regard themselves as weary, or thirsty, or as mortals at all, so long as they had such a king.” -Plutarch, Life of Alexander 42.3-6 (Plutarch. Plutarch’s Lives. with an English Translation by. Bernadotte Perrin. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. London. William Heinemann Ltd. 1919. 7. )